Working In Cyprus - Frequently Asked Questions

I am from the EU - can I work in Cyprus?

Free movement of workers is a fundamental principle of the Treaty enshrined in Article 45 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and developed by EU secondary legislation and the Case law of the Court of Justice. EU citizens are entitled to:

  • look for a job in another EU country
  • work there without needing a work permit
  • reside there for that purpose
  • stay there even after employment has finished
  • enjoy equal treatment with nationals in access to employment, working conditions and all other social and tax advantages

I am from the EU - What about Health & Social Security?

EU nationals may also have certain types of health & social security coverage transferred to the country in which they go to seek work
(see coordination of social security systems).

I am from the EU - Will my qualifications be recognised in Cyprus?

People working in some occupations may be able to have their professional qualifications recognised abroad
(see mutual recognition of professional qualifications).

Does Cyprus have a minimum wage?

Yes & No. There is a minimum wage for certain occupations but not a universal minimum wage covering all occupations. Shop assistants, clerks, child-care workers (assistant baby and child minders), personal care workers (nursing assistants) are covered by the minimum wage. Furthermore, the law provides for a minimum hourly rate of pay for security guards, and cleaners of business/corporate premises.

Do I need a Work Permit to work in Cyprus?

EU citizens who wish to be employed in Cyprus do not need a work permit, but a residence permit is necessary if their stay will exceed 3 months.

What languages are spoken in Cyprus?

Greek is the main language with English widely spoken and understood. The ability to speak Russian is quickly becoming desirable.

If I work will I be required to make social security contributions in Cyprus

Yes - the majority of workers in Cyprus are required to make social security contributions with the level of contribution dependent on the employment sector/wage.

If I make contributions will I be entitled to benefits?

Working and paying contributions in the Republic of Cyprus gives you entitlement to a number of Cyprus social security benefits. These benefits include unemployment benefit, and permanent and temporary incapacity benefit. If you have any questions regarding entitlement to, or payment of benefits from the Republic of Cyprus, call or visit your nearest Citizen Service Centre for advice and claim forms.

Can nationals of third countries (non-EU countries) work in Cyprus?

Yes - they may be employed in Cyprus provided they can first find a local employer who is willing to employ them. The Cyprus employer must then submit an application for the issue of a work permit, on behalf of the foreign national, to the competent authority (i.e. the Immigration Office at the Ministry of Interior).

Do you advertise jobs in the north of Cyprus?

No - the north of Cyprus has been under an illegal Turkish military occupation since 1974 and as such is not recognised.

Is CyprusJobCentre responsible for the jobs listed on the site?

No - CyprusJobCentre acts solely to gather and display job advertisements listed on sites across Cyprus. We do not review or vet any job listing and therefore cannot be held responsible for the content of any job description or offer.

I have seen a job I am interested in - do I contact CyprusJobCentre?

No - All jobs displayed on this site will contain a link to a third party site that contains further job details and application info. We are not involved in the selection or not of candidates and simply act as a publisher.

Why are some of the jobs duplicated on CyprusJobCentre?

All the jobs listed on Cyprus Job Centre are pulled from various different sources. Sometimes a job will be advertised on more than one employment site or advertised more than once on the same site. Unfortunately there will always be some duplication but we aim to restrict this as far as possible.

I have questions regarding Social Security Benefits - who do I contact?

You should in the first instance contact the Citizen Service Centre. They offer, from one point of contact, multiple services, using simplified, quick procedures. They use modern technology, and as a result the citizen is able to receive, in many cases, the service immediately.

Please note that the information provided above is a guide only. Definitive information should be obtained from the Republic of Cyprus authorities.
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